Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations (Jan 2018)
Modelling of Severe Accident and In-Vessel Melt Retention Possibilities in BWR Type Reactor
One of the severe accident management strategies for nuclear reactors is the melted corium retention inside the reactor pressure vessel. The work presented in this article investigates the application of in-vessel retention (IVR) severe accident management strategy in a BWR reactor. The investigations were performed assuming a scenario with the large break LOCA without injection of cooling water. A computer code RELAP/SCDAPSIM MOD 3.4 was used for the numerical simulation of the accident. Using a model of the entire reactor, a full accident sequence from the large break to core uncover and heat-up as well as corium relocation to the lower head is presented. The ex-vessel cooling was modelled in order to evaluate the applicability of RELAP/SCDAPSIM code for predicting the heat fluxes and reactor pressure vessel wall temperatures. The results of different ex-vessel heat transfer modes were compared and it was concluded that the implemented heat transfer correlations of COUPLE module in RELAP/SCDAPSIM should be applied for IVR analysis. To investigate the influence of debris separation into oxidic and metallic layers in the molten pool on the heat transfer through the wall of the lower head the analytical study was conducted. The results of this study showed that the focusing effect is significant and under some extreme conditions local heat flux from reactor vessel could exceed the critical heat flux. It was recommended that the existing RELAP/SCDAPSIM models of the processes in the debris should be updated in order to consider more complex phenomena and at least oxide and metal phase separation, allowing evaluating local distribution of the heat fluxes.