Tělesná Kultura (Mar 2010)

Selected aspects of worksite health promotion (WHP) in the Czech republic

  • Radim Šlachta,
  • Vladimír Hobza

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 33, no. 2
pp. 63 – 81


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The World Health Organisation (WHO) and other internationally active Worksite Health Promotion (WHP) organizations co-ordinately aim to implement a healthy lifestyle by health programmes. They also specify general principles to prevent the mass occurrence of non-infectious diseases in the world. Recommended programs are in developed countries usually implemented by administrative institutions and authorities and their results are evaluated. This paper aims to evaluate the implementation of recommended programmes in the Czech Republic by specific aspects - cultural, legislative, medical, economic etc. The paper is an introductory study in a complex and comprehensive interdisciplinary field of human health in the context of workplace and sustainable social development.
