Nuevo mundo - Mundos Nuevos (Jul 2016)

Poder y violencia en Argentina durante la década de 1960. La trama del atentado al ex presidente Arturo Frondizi

  • Martha Ruffini



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In 1964, and in the framework of the tension caused by the peronist prohibition and the threat of return of Perón, occurred in Argentina a thwarted attack against the former president Arturo Frondizi (1958-1962) in his frame is articulates the climate of political violence, partisan tensions, between political and military fractions and the role played by the armed organizations of the early sixties and their links with the trade union leadership and the peronist militancy. The interpretation given to the attack reveals the struggle for power between the ruling party has filed alleging a political maneuver of the former president at a time when the oil policy management was questioned, while the own Frondizi blamed the government of Illia by the aggression in the remaining involved the peronism outlawed through the armed organization “Movimiento Nueva Argentina” (MNA) and their leaders Dardo Cabo and Americo Rial. The research of the Federal Courts could not confirm an intention killer or impute to the detainees, but allows us to infer the participation of the “Movimiento Nueva Argentina”, the involvement of trade unionism and the weakness of the accusations of Frondizi and the “Movimiento de Intransigencia Radical” (MIR) .
