Актуальні питання суспільних наук та історії медицини (Nov 2017)
Игорь Скакун, Иван Цуркан. История философско-антропологической мысли в Украине в начале ХХІ века. В статье анализируются особенности историко-философского анализа антропологического дискурса в Украине в начале ХХ века. Актуализируется роль исторических событий в формировании человекомерных философских ориентиров. История, философия, наука и культура тесно связаны в социокультурной среде. Формируются философско-антропологические особенности исторического процесса. В свою очередь, исторические реалии влияют на приоритеты развития гуманитарного компонента картины мира.Ihor Skakun, Ivan Tsurkan. History of Philosophical and anthropological thought in Ukraine at the beginning of the XXI century. Aim of investigation. This article analyzes the features of the cultural and historical processes in Ukraine of the ХХІ century. Updated role in shaping historical events and philosophical traditions. Philosophy and history are closely linked to the sociocultural environment. Forming process features of culturehistorical realities of the present. Philosophical and anthropological processes play an important role in the formation of Ukrainian 7 Agatstsi E. Chelovek kak predmet filosofii [Man as an object of philosophy]. Voprosy filosofii [Questions of Philosophy], 1989, Vol. 2, P, 24–35. 8 Marchuk M. Tsinnisni potentsiyi znannya [Valuable potentials of knowledge], Chernivtsi, 2001, 319 p. 9 Radzinyak T. “Vplуv protsesiv gumanizatsiyi ta gumanitarizatsiyi na stanovlennya gumanitarno-naukovoyi paradygmу» [The Influence of the Humanization and Humanization Processes on the Formation of the Humanitarian-Paradigm], Naukovij visnik ChNU. Zb. nauk. prats'. Filosofiya [Scientific Journal of the ChNU. Zb sciences works. Philosophy]. Chernivtsi: Chernivets'kij natsional'nij universitet, Vyp. 462–463, 2009, P, 74–79. 10 Kisel'ov M. «Kontseptsiya yedynoyi naukу: filosofs'ko-metodologichnij aspect» [Concept of unified science": philosophical and methodological aspect], Filosofs'ki dialogi'2010 [Philosophical Dialogues 2010], Filosofs'ko-antropologichni chуtannya: tvorcha spadshyna V.I. Shinkaruka ta s'ogodennya [Philosophical-anthropological readings: the creative heritage of V.I. Shinkruk and the present], Vyp. 4, Ch. 1, K., 2010, P, 122–138. 11 Bistrуts'kуj Ye. Metafizуka suspil'nogo, sho sumirna lyudуni [Metaphysics of the public, which is compatible with a person], Kontseptsiya mul'tikul'turalizmu [The concept of multiculturalism], K., 2005, P, 43–51. 84 Скакун І., Цуркан І. Історія філософсько-антропологічної думки в Україні… history. Philosophical and anthropological space in Ukraine have specific characteristics associated with the natural, social, ethnic and geopolitical aspects. The specifics of the theme predisposed application of compcomprehensive approach to the research methodologies, among which there should be mentioned such as: philosophical, general scientific and special methods. Phenomenological method contributed to the substantiation of humanity of scientific knowledge. The dialectical approach in the study of man made it possible to reveal the bases of its positioning in the measurement of the permanent changes in historical realities. Scientific novelty. The author reveals the essence of the idea of personality and principle of anthropocentrism, shapes their actualization in classical and post-classical paradigms of knowledge and opportunities of anthropocentrism in the in the realities of the history of Ukraine. Forming epistemological and axiological factors national history. Anthropological theme provides potential efficiency in anthropological research paradigms. Conclusions. Philosophical anthropological discourse provides a comprehensive study of the history. History has real prospects in the philosophical and anthropological discourse. The histhistory and the history of philosophy are closely related to the philphilosophical and anthropological discourse. The article considers prerequisites of establishment, peculiarities of the content and memethodological potential of concept of anthropocentrism in modern history of Ukraine. The author denotes the role of principle of anthanthropocentrism in terms of formation of modern Ukrainian national scientific world picture.