Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas (Feb 2016)

Pronunciation and English Teaching in Medical Sciences

  • Raiza Texidor Pellón,
  • Daniel Reyes Miranda,
  • Maryduleidy Echevarría Ceballos

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 15, no. 2
pp. 269 – 276


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Introduction: Pronunciation in the English language is of an extraordinary importance because it is closely related with the meaning of the words, and at the same time contains the information given in the oral speech. Objective: To reflect upon the role of pronunciation as an essential aspect in communication in English teaching in Medical Sciences. Material and Methods: Theoretical methods of analysis and synthesis of literature and documentary reviews allowed us to gather information. Development: In the medical sciences context, the study of the English language favors the training of a comprehensive professional with a comunicative competence in this language, which allows him/her to solve the most general and frequent problems of his /her acting sphere. That is why, the student has to use not only the grammar, vocabulary and the communicative functions correctly, but he/she has to pronounce reasonably well. Conclusions: English pronunciation is essential for effective communication. If students fail to produce sounds intelligibly, they will not be able to communicate appropriately, resulting in interference in communication; therefore, this suggests that pronunciation teaching has to be integrated in the classroom with the other linguistic aspects and language skills for the achievement of the communicative competence. Key words: pronunciation, communication, teaching, learning, English.