Revista de Etnologie şi Culturologie (Dec 2017)

Primele mențiuni referitoare la prezența strămoșilor romilor/țiganilor moldoveni în spațiul carpato-nistrean conservate în legendele locale și consemnate în publicații

  • Ion Duminica

Journal volume & issue
pp. 91 – 106


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Currently, Roma history is marked by an interdisciplinary variety of „white spots” which must to be gradually removed by fundamental research into social and humanitarian sciences. In this thnological study, for fragmentary elucidation of aspects related to origin,endonims/ethnonyms, social status, practiced crafts, an- cient migration routes and first attestations of the Moldavian Roma/Gypsy ancestors in the Carpatho-Dniestrian space – the author has taken over the preserved narratives in local legends and the information recorded in the publications. For the first time in the local humanitarian scientific field there were exposed ten original mentions referring to the ethnogenesis of the Roma/Gypsy community in the following historical-geographic regions: Southern Asia (India), Central Asia (Bactria, Babylonian Empire), Northern Africa (Egypt, Numidia), Southeastern Europe (Carpathian Area, Ancient Greece, Roman Dacia province, Transylvanian Voivodeship). Concurrently, was highlighted the evolution of the social status of the Moldavian Roma/Gypsies ancestors in the period preceding the first attestations in the Carpathian-Dniestrian space: freelancers, migrant workers, political emigrants, political refugees, war prisoners, war refugees, wanderers, immigrants, private slaves, slaves of the state; as well as traditional crafts practiced by this community during the same period of time: nomadic blacksmiths, armourers, vagrant entertainmenters, horseshoes, goldsmiths.
