Фармакокинетика и Фармакодинамика (Apr 2013)
Bioequivalence of bisoprolol, coated tablets 10 mg JSC «Chimpharm» Republic of Kazakhstan
Within the cross, a single, open, randomized study with 10 day washout period, the two sequences has been studied bioequivalence of tablet forms two bisoprolol 18 volunteers (10 mg dosage). Plasma samples were analyzed by a validated HPLC-MS/MS within 48 hours. For preparations analyzed following pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated: AUC0-t, Cmax, Tmax , Cmax /AUC. 90% confidence interval for log-transformed values for AUC0-t was 0.9142—1.0568 for Cmax —0,9371 —1,0473. The study concluded that comparable drugs were bioequivalence of bisoprolol.