Journal of Forest Science (Mar 2023)
The factors limiting the venison market in the Czech Republic and options for limiting their impact on the Forestry
This article focuses on the development possibilities of the venison market in the Czech Republic. The main factors affecting the primary game market were investigated, both production limitations on the side of the hunters and on the side of the game production purchase prices. These factors were analysed in the context of the consumer prices of general meat production and the purchase prices of common meat (beef, pork). Furthermore, the size of the total game market was estimated, taking into account the export and import of this commodity. The potential venison market size for the Czech Republic was also established in the study. The gap between the development of the market consumer prices and purchase prices of the venison was analysed. The conducted research further revealed that the respondents do not perceive a relationship between the production of venison and the protection of forest ecosystems. With few exceptions, they do not realise that by buying and consuming venison, they can contribute to the support of forestry. Furthermore, the perception of the role of the forest environment in relation to game meat by the public does not correspond to the need to regulate the game density to limit damage to forest stands. The results of this research are recommendations which mainly consist in expanding the offer of the primary production to products significantly closer to the consumer market (moving from a producer market to a consumer market), and the implementation of activation campaigns (tastings, presentations of opinion makers). At the same time, our work revealed the need for further development, and by increasing the value for the customer who, with the appropriate marketing strategy, can perceive this product as a premium organic food through which they contribute to sustainable forest management.