Diversitas Journal (Jan 2019)

A Freirean look at the curriculum in Elementary School / Um olhar Freireano sobre o currículo no Ensino Fundamental

  • Ana Paula Ramos dos Santos,
  • Débora Jackeline da Silva

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 1
pp. 223 – 231


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The present work promotes reflection on curricular action in our education system, specifically in elementary education, in the Brazilian public schools, given the current scenario to which the education system is inserted, whose working conditions for the teacher are compromised before the social and economic devaluation of the professional in education that discourages and compromises their pedagogical performance, due to the lack of adequate physical structure and pedagogical resources in schools, which hampers the development of didactic work, are some important factors that reflect the poor performance of education in our country, where we remain in deficit with society, in the area of quality education. Understanding the curriculum as an identity document of education, present in the teaching system, in the school and in the teaching activity, we propose a brief analysis of the curriculum proposed for Brazilian basic education. In order to do this, we perform a research referenced in scholars of the curriculum, such as: J. Gimeno Sacristán, Tomáz Tadeu da Silva, Vera Candau, belonging to a dialogical and liberating pedagogical conception that allows a dialogue with Freirean thought for education, with the objective to understand the reflexes of the curricular action in the teaching practice and in the profile of the students.
