Гинекология (Jul 2023)
Effects of herpes simplex virus on the mother and fetus during pregnancy: A review
The herpes virus is an urgent problem, particularly in the obstetrician-gynecologist practice. The main objective of this paper was to review and analyze current literature data on the effect of the herpes virus on the mother and child during gestation. A variation of the diagnosis of prenatal herpes infection was reviewed. The treatment and prevention methods of the herpes simplex virus for a pregnant woman are addressed. It was shown that preventive antihomotoxic therapy had a fetoprotective effect, significantly reducing the risk of prenatal infection. Introducing preconception preparation for a wide population cohort, including the suppression of viruses in the mother's body, is relevant. The following methodology was used during work on the article: selection of publications using modern information databases, analysis of the obtained information, systematization of materials, and presentation of conclusions. An electronic search was conducted using publications identified in the following databases: eLIBRARY.RU, Google Scholar, and PubMed.