Vìsnik Unìversitetu ìmenì Alʹfreda Nobelâ: Serìâ Pedagogìka ì Psihologiâ (Dec 2021)


  • Olena V. Shkurko,
  • Dimona P. Amichba,
  • Tetyana A. Klymenko

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 22
pp. 301 – 307


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The article considers the problem of linguistic globalization of the modern world and the role of English as the first world language in the history of mankind, the reason for the government’s concern about the lack of English language proficiency in our country since in 2019 the analysts from the International Education Company assessed the level of language proficiency in our country as low. The leadership of Ukraine sees a direct connection between this fact and the low level of economic development of the country and its competitiveness in the international markets, which explains its desire to modernize the Ukrainian higher education system, to adapt it to modern globalization. The authors examined a number of official documents related to the use of English at higher education institutions: the Concept of English Language Development in Universities, Bill № 3717 of the Parliamentary Committee on Education and Science on the Opportunity to Studying a Foreign Language and the Ministry of Education and Science Order “On Approval of improvement in educational programs, which provide training for foreigners and stateless persons in higher education institutions of Ukraine, taking into account the peculiarities of their training». Special attention is paid to the issues of education at higher education institutions of foreign citizens, which is a special item of state income. The article raises a number of issues regarding the duration of Ukrainian language training for foreign students of the 1-4 years of study, the mandatory use of English during Ukrainian language training, the requirements from the Ministry of education and science and university ladministrations on English proficiency at B2 level for teachers who work with foreign students. Contemporary methods of teaching foreign languages, including Ukrainian as a foreign language, which provide for the use of an intermediary language during training or categorically deny such a need, are analyzed, and a number of proposals are made on the issues considered. Based on the studied official documents, the analysis of contemporary methods of teaching foreign languages and personal teaching experience, the authors concluded that the use of English as an intermediary language in teaching foreigners is justified at the initial stage, but in the dosed volume and on the condition of gradual reduction of recourse to it; Since the foreign language classes in student groups are attended by representatives of different countries and the level of English of the majority of foreign students is A2, it is not advisable to require teachers of philology who work with foreigners at the preparatory department and in junior courses of different faculties to be in command of English at B2 level. According to the authors, the problem of raising the status of English in the world and its more active use in higher education institutions in Ukraine is part of a more general problem of language globalization, which makes further study of this issue urgent.
