F1000Research (Jul 2018)
Recent advances in understanding and managing dystonia [version 1; referees: 2 approved]
Within the field of movement disorders, the conceptual understanding of dystonia has continued to evolve. Clinical advances have included improvements in recognition of certain features of dystonia, such as tremor, and understanding of phenotypic spectrums in the genetic dystonias and dystonia terminology and classification. Progress has also been made in the understanding of underlying biological processes which characterize dystonia from discoveries using approaches such as neurophysiology, functional imaging, genetics, and animal models. Important advances include the role of the cerebellum in dystonia, the concept of dystonia as an aberrant brain network disorder, additional evidence supporting the concept of dystonia endophenotypes, and new insights into psychogenic dystonia. These discoveries have begun to shape treatment approaches as, in parallel, important new treatment modalities, including magnetic resonance imaging-guided focused ultrasound, have emerged and existing interventions such as deep brain stimulation have been further refined. In this review, these topics are explored and discussed.