Kējì Fǎxué Pínglùn (Dec 2008)
通訊傳播管理法草案的盲點:文化公民權/傳播權視野之批判 Blindspot of NCC’s Proposed Draft Communications Act and Regulation Revision to Communications Convergence: A Critique from the Cultural Citizenship/Communication Rights Perspective
我國通訊傳播監理有朝單一機關化、單一法典化方向發展的趨勢,但屬於作用法性質的「通訊傳播管理法」仍處於「電信法」和「廣電三法」合併修法的草案制定階段,不僅涉及電信和廣電法規之間的整合,也涉及廣電三法合一的整併問題,到目前為止都還未得到解決。本文以2007 年9 月11 日公布的「通訊傳播管理法草案」為分析探討對象,首先耙梳我國制定此草案的背景,同時選擇性地比較國內外相關法規,從中論證我國通訊傳播政策思維的轉變。其次,本文援引文化公民權與傳播權之概念,並以之為參考架構 來檢驗「通傳法草案」之條文內容,探索此部法典之盲點,最後提出「通傳法草案」仍有所不足、應該往前再進一步之建議,期使這部法案最後能夠真正提升並落實文化公民權和傳播權在台灣之實現。 Against the backdrop of convergence and competition, communications regulation in Taiwan has been moving towards a single regulator overseeing both telecommunications and media sectors. To meet the regulatory challenge in the context of communications convergence, the newly established single communications regulator, the National Communications Commission (NCC), has proposed a draft Communications Act. However, the draft Communications Act has its own blindspot, for putting too much weight on the wants of consumers rather than needs of citizens. Taking the perspective of cultural citizenship and communication rights, this article offers a critique of the draft Communications Act and NCC’s proposed regulation revision to communications convergence.