Journal of Long-Term Care (Dec 2021)
The Development of a Core Outcome Set for Trials and Evaluative Studies in Adult Social Care
Context: Core outcome sets that help to harmonise results across studies have had a major impact on clinical research and policymaking. However, it is less developed in social care research.Objectives: We aimed to explore feasibility and identify a set of domains that would comprise a core outcome set for adult social care research and specific measures to assess these domains.Methods: We identified core domains through a scoping review. A panel was recruited to participate in two surveys. In the first survey, participants scrutinised the approach and the proposed domains; based on which, domains were refined. Outcome measures were then identified for each domain. In the second survey, the panel provided their views on domains and measures.Findings: Of 30 individuals approached, 25 participated in the first survey and 19 in the second. The first survey revealed that the majority (20/25) were supportive of the overall approach. Of seven domains proposed initially, six (well-being, health-related quality of life, functional ability, experience with services, service use and costs, and carers’ perspectives) were retained and one (psychological well-being) was merged with the well-being domain. Based on available evidence, we recommended specific measures for four domains and highlighted potentially relevant resources for the other two domains. In the second survey, majority of the panel (i.e. over 70%) agreed with the domains and recommendations on measures.Implications: This study has shown that it is feasible to progress the idea of a core outcome set that might inform and guide future social care research.