Vіsnik Naukovih Doslіdžen' (Jan 2018)
Morphometry is the most appropriate method to study hyperfunctioning and hypertrophied heart, since it allows quantitatively evaluating the processes and phenomena that take place in the heart chambers and interpreting them in sufficient and logical manner. The aim of the study – to educate morphologists about advantages of using morphometry as the means for appropriate and complete assessment of hyperfunctioning and hypertrophied heart. Materials and Methods. The study reviews published research on the utility of morphometric methods for assessing the state of both intact and damaged heart. Results and Discussion. The study assesses current cardiometric methods ranging from macromorphometric to histo- and stereological at the cellular level. These methods allow identifying hypertrophy and atrotophy of the myocardium, and determine salient characteristics pointing to complications in the damaged myocardium. Conclusions. Morphometric methods were not used researchers to evaluate the changes in hyperfunctioning heart at all levels of the structural organization. There are no accepted informative diagnostic quantitative criteria for compensated and decompensated heart.