Studia Universitatis Moldaviae: Stiinte ale Educatiei (Nov 2014)



Journal volume & issue
no. 9


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This article analyses the role of educational opportunity in a time of globalisation, a new economy and life in a multi- cultural society, and gives an epistemological and semantic account of the concept “intercultural education”, distingui- shing it from multicultural and transcultural education. Starting with a historic overview of various conceptualisations of meetings/clashes among people with different linguistic, religious, cultural or ethnic features, distinctive theoretical elaborations are reviewed, above all in a European context and in the educational field. After outlining the development of intercultural education (main contents, methods and objectives, as well as limits), this article supports the thesis that education, in multiculturalism, and in an intercultural sense, is currently the most appropriate answer to globalisation and interdependence. Keyworlds: intercultural education, multiculturalism, trans-cultural education, development of intercultural education.