Сибирский лесной журнал (Jun 2021)
Radial growth of Scots pine in the green stands of Krasnoyarsk city
Green spaces of urban areas perform important environmental, sanitary, hygienic and aesthetic functions, forming a comfortable environment for the city population. In order to develop and update the optimal assortment of woody species for landscaping urbanized areas, this study identified the features of radial growth of a species widely used in planting greenery and landscaping: Scots pine Pinus sylvestris L. The features of the radial growth of the stem wood of Scots pine, growing in the green spaces of the city of Krasnoyarsk under the influence of technogenic pollution (of various composition and intensity) and background, were determined. The objects of research were group plantings of trees in parks and ordinary (single-row) plantings along the city highways, exposed to the negative effects of atmospheric toxicants (CO, NO, NO2, SO2, benzo(a)pyrene, soot, fluoride compounds, etc.). The study was carried out using the standard dendrochronological method. It was revealed that the total impact of motor transport and industrial emissions had the most negative effect on the radial growth and stability of trees of this species. It was found that in single-row plantings along large highways, the lowest rate of radial growth of Scots pine trees was noted. A statistically significant (at p < 0.05) negative relationship between the width of annual rings and the degree of technogenic pollution of the territory (expressed in API5) was confirmed. Based on the results obtained, preliminary recommendations were formulated for the use of Scots pine for landscaping in Krasnoyarsk, which may be of practical interest for specialists in the field of urban ecology and green construction.