Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires (Mar 2017)
Effet de l’irrigation déficitaire contrôlée sur la productivité et l’efficience d’utilisation de l’eau du palmier dattier cv Majhoul
To test the effect of regulated deficit irrigation on the productivity of date palm cv Majhoul, an experiment was conducted for two consecutive years (March 2012-February 2014). During these times, seven water regimes were applied under drip irrigation: farmer regime (T0), 100% (T1), 80% (T2), 60% (T3), 80-100-60% (T4), 150% (T5) and 60-100-80% (T6) ETM. The measures focused on the monitoring of meteorological parameters, the water irrigation and the evolution of date yields of Majhoul variety. The results obtained show that: i. Water regime has significantly affected the average yields and water use efficiency, ii. Water irrigation needs are, on average, 51 m3/tree/year, and iii. Average date yields and water use efficiencies varied between 31 and 61 kg of dates/tree/year and between 0.44 and 1.36 kg of dates/m3.