Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea (Dec 2015)
Physionomies et héritages de la dictature pinochétiste : du terrorisme d’État à la mise sous tutelle du processus transitionnel (1973-2015)
On September 11, 1973, a military junta – under general Augusto Pinochet’s authority – overthrew Salvador Allende’s government. This military regime, which remained in power until the day of the investiture of President Patricio Aylwin, in March 1990, managed to strengthen its power by abolishing existing institutions and by promulgating a new constitution in 1980. Then, “president” Pinochet orchestrated the end of the regime and decided to take control of the transitional period towards democracy by locking (shutting down) the political system. Yet, albeit that the country commemorated the 40th anniversary of the coup d’État in 2013, the scars from the way the transition was brought about in 1990, as well as the political legacy of the dictatorship are still dividing the Chilean society.