Prior studies suggest brick workers in Nepal may be chronically exposed to hazardous levels of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) from ambient, occupational, and household sources. However, findings from these studies were based on stationary monitoring data, and thus may not reflect a worker’s individual exposures. In this study, we used RTI International’s MicroPEMs to collect 24 h PM2.5 personal breathing zone (PBZ) samples among brick workers (n = 48) to estimate daily exposures from ambient, occupational, and household air pollution sources. Participants were sampled from five job categories at one kiln. The geometric mean (GM) PM2.5 exposure across all participants was 116 µg/m3 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 94.03, 143.42). Job category was significantly (p 2.5 concentrations. There were significant pairwise differences in geometric mean (GM) PBZ PM2.5 concentrations among workers in administration (GM: 47.92, 95% CI: 29.81, 77.03 µg/m3) vs. firemen (GM: 163.46, 95 CI: 108.36, 246.58 µg/m3, p = 0.003), administration vs. green brick hand molder (GM: 163.35, 95% CI: 122.15, 218.46 µg/m3, p 3, p = 0.005), firemen vs. green brick machine molder (GM: 73.18, 95% CI: 51.54, 103.90 µg/m3, p = 0.03), and green brick hand molder vs. green brick machine molder (p = 0.008). Temporal exposure trends suggested workers had chronic exposure to hazardous levels of PM2.5 with little to no recovery period during non-working hours. Multi-faceted interventions should focus on the control of ambient and household air pollution and tailored job-specific exposure controls.