Актуальные проблемы филологии и педагогической лингвистики (Mar 2020)

The image of women in the modern russian comparative constructions

  • Krylova Maria N.

Journal volume & issue
no. 1
pp. 143 – 150


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The article analyzes how the image of women is realized in the semantic system of modern Russian comparisons. The subjects and the objects of comparisons were analyzed. The image of a woman in politics, culture, advertising, literature, language is actively considered by modern researchers, but in the figurative sphere of comparative constructions it has not yet been subjected to research. The study is conducted on the material of more than 6 thousand comparative constructions, selected by the continuous sampling method from various modern texts in Russian. Subject in the comparative construction – that compares with a woman; object – something with which a woman is compared. It is noted negativization of image of women in the perception of modern linguistic personality, which found its reflection in the modern komparativ. Negative evaluation is often expressed in the form of humorous utterances, jokes, which at the same time reduce the degree of negativity. It is interesting that comparative constructions, the objects of which are women, are most often emotional, expressive, bright and attract attention, which indicates a special, indifferent attitude of the language personality to the image of a woman. Language data show that one of the main qualities of a woman presented in the content of a comparative is weakness, which is especially pronounced when comparing a woman and a man. Comparisons are different, when the language personality appeals to the images of women of different ages: the girl as the object of comparison often symbolizes innocence, the girl is erotic, and the elderly woman is caring. Comparison of women with the objects of the objective world in comparisons points to the reification of woman’s image, attitudes towards women as things with material value. Such traditional components of the image of women as love, care, beauty, strength rarely actualized through comparative constructions. Such qualities of women, as a weakness, effeminacy, helplessness, strife, cantankerous character, curiosity, greed, etc. are emphasized more often. There is a commitment to the language personality to stylistic and connotative reduce the significance of the image of women, mocking towards him. The main indicator of a dynamics of social women’s image, reflected in language, there is a amplification in it negative components.
