Land (Nov 2022)
Factors in the Responsible Management of the Luna Valley Complex Geosite (NW Spain)—A Case Study
The Luna Valley complex geosite (northwestern Spain) is a region of geoheritage significance located in an area with high environmental value. Geological studies began in the mid-20th century and continue to provide scientific data of significant relevance to the knowledge regarding the Palaeozoic stratigraphy of northern Gondwana and the tectonics of the Variscan orogen. This region also has high value for geoeducation, being visited regularly by both students and the general public. Educational use of the area has promoted the creation of several publicly available materials and activities that include trails, guides, displays and brochures, as well as the development of a small museum. However, over time, weathering; the abandonment of rural life; and the intensive, uncontrolled, and careless use of this region as a geosite for scientific and educational purposes has led to significant degradation and the consequent loss of its geoheritage value. This paper describes the geology of five key geosites in the Luna Valley. This is followed by a review of the promotional initiatives carried out in the area. These data, along with our knowledge of the area, allow us to develop a heritage analysis that includes the main geological interests, conservation status and some key management issues for each of these five individual sites. Several recommendations aim to control the physical degradation of the geosites, encourage their regular monitoring and the updating of the outreach materials using virtual tools, and promote the involvement of the local population in the conservation of this unique site.