Riscuri şi Catastrofe (Dec 2023)
Springtime Air Temperature variations in South-Western Romania (1961-2023).
Over time, the warming and cooling periods of the climate on Earth followed each other with great irregularity and caused significant variations in air temperature, but allowed the existence of life and especially of the human species. They are determined by the variability of the cosmic factors that essentially determine the Earth's climate. In the following paper I’ve analyzed the variation of the air temperature in Oltenia during the springs for the interval 1961-2023. A number of other works have analyzed climate variability in this part of Romania. The warm 1945-1955 period was followed by a gradual cooling of the weather, and in the 1961-1998 period (39 years), there was only one spring in which all three months were warmer than normal (1983). Then the frequency of warmer-than-normal months and springs gradually increased starting in 1999, peaking in the 2007-2020 range. Several daily temperature climate records were broken, but seasonal records were not. At the same time, in the analyzed interval, in the polar areas the rate of melting of the ice increased a lot and exceptional thermal maxima were recorded in the cold season. Late spring frosts also occurred in warm springs and did significant damage. The random variability of air temperature determined by the random variability of cosmic factors is the main cause of these thermal variations. The work is useful to all those interested in climate variability in Oltenia.