Авіаційно-космічна техніка та технологія (Aug 2019)
A cyclic air intercooling application in the compression process in the compressor has a positive effect on the resource of the gas turbine plant (GTP) and on increasing its capacity without reducing the service life. The most promising method of cooling the cyclic air of the GTP, namely contact cooling by using an aerothermopressor, was analyzed in the paper. This heat exchanger is a two-phase jet apparatus in which, due to the removal of heat from the airflow, the air pressure is increased and its cooling occurs. The main problem in the development of the aerothermopressor is to determine the geometric characteristics of the apparatus flow part and the fluid injection system, which allow its effective application for increasing pressure and fluid spraying fine. An analysis was made of the apparatus models operation by using CFD simulation in the ANSYS Fluent software package to determine the aerothermopressor main characteristics of the cyclic air cooling system of the GTP. The calculation method was determined, the turbulence model was selected, the calculation was carried out taking into account the convergence of the results, and the output data were processed and visualized in the CFD-Post in the form of graphs and fields. Based on this, the aerothermopressor design was developed for a WR-21 gas turbine produced by Rolls Royce. At the first stage of the study, a “dry” aerothermopressor was modeled (without water injection into the evaporation chamber). It was found that the decrease in airflow pressure due to friction losses was about 5%. At the second stage of the study, a simulation of the aerothermopressor with water injection into the flow part (at the inlet to the evaporation chamber) was carried out. As a result of thermogasdynamic compression, the increase in the total air pressure at the outlet of the aerothermopressor was 3.1%, and the temperature of the cooled air was decreased by 280 degrees. To ensure effective air compression in the gas turbine compressor, incomplete evaporation of water in the aerothermopressor was considered. It made it possible to obtain finer water spraying at the diffuser outlet, while the average diameter of the water droplet decreased to 2.5 μm.