Jurnal Vektor Penyakit (Feb 2017)
Umur Relatif Nyamuk Anopheles di Desa Rejeki Kecamatan Palolo, Kabupaten Sigi, Sulawesi Tengah
The longevity of the mosquito is one of factors that determines a species becomes as malaria vector. The research was conducted to determine the longevity of Anopheles mosquitoes in Rejeki Village, Palolo District, Sigi Regency with a cross-sectional design. The longevity was estimated by using parity proportion. The results showed that longevity of An. nigerrimus was 20,96 days, An. barbirostris was 11,64 days, An. indefinitus was 7,02 days and An. tesselatus was 5,32 days. From the results can be concluded that the longevity of An. barbirostris and An. nigerrimus is eligible to be malaria vector in Rejeki Village and needs to be confirmed by ELISA test furthermore.