Aksioma: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika (Mar 2020)


  • Yerizon Yerizon,
  • Yulia Utami Putri,
  • Edwin Musdi,
  • Dony Permana

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 9, no. 1
pp. 205 – 212


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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran matematika berbasis pendekatan contextual teaching and learning (CTL) untuk meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi matematis peserta didik. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII SMP 26 Padang denagn 32 siswa. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan. Model pengembangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adala model Plomp yang terdiri dari tiga fase yaitu preliminary research, development and prototyping phase, dan assessment phase. Data efektifitas dari perangkat pembelajaran diambil dari tes kemampuan komunikasi matematis peserta didik. Dari hasil tes kemampuan komunikasi matematis diperoleh bahwa rata-rata skor sudah efektif. Persentase ketuntasan klasikal adalah 78,12% atau lebih dari 75% dengan nilai rata-rata ketuntasan 76.6. Dengan persentase ketuntasan lebih dari 75%  menunjukkan bahwa tujuan pembelajaran tercapai dan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis CTL secara umum dapat dikatakan efektif dan layak untuk digunakan. Abstract The purpose of this study is to develop of mathematical learning devices based on the contextual teaching and learning approach in terms of students' mathematical communication skills. The subjects of this study were seventh grade students of SMPN 26 Padang with a total of 32 students. This research includes the type of development research. The development model used in this study is the Plomp model. The Plomp model consists of three phases. They are preliminary research, development or prototyping stage and assessment phase. Data on the effectiveness of learning devices are taken from the results of tests of students' mathematical communication skills. From the test results, it is found that the students’ average test scores of mathematical communication skills are effective. The percentage of completeness in classical is 78.12% or ≥ 75% with the average value of students who complete is 76.6 which exceeds the minimum completeness. With the percentage of completeness more than 75% indicates that the learning objectives have been achieved and learning devices in the form of CTL-based that are generally developed are considered to be effective so that they are feasible to use.
