SWANe: Standardized workflow for advanced neuroimaging in epilepsy
Maurilio Genovese,
Agostino Arcasensa,
Silvia Morbelli,
Matteo Lenge,
Carmen Barba,
Laura Mirandola,
Maria Eugenia Caligiuri,
Massimo Caulo,
Ferruccio Panzica,
Francesco Cardinale,
Camilla Rossi-Espagnet,
Domenico Tortora,
Anna Elisabetta Vaudano
Maurilio Genovese
Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria of Modena, Neuroradiology Unit, Modena, Italy
Agostino Arcasensa
Power ICT Srls, Potenza, Italy
Silvia Morbelli
Nuclear Medicine Unit, AOU Città Della Salute E Della Scienza Di Torino, Turin, Italy; Department of Medical Sciences, University of Turin, Turin, Italy
Neuroscience Department, Meyer Children's Hospital IRCCS, Florence, Italy; University of Florence, Florence, Italy
Laura Mirandola
“San Giovanni Bosco” Hospital, Neurology Unit, Torino, Italy
Maria Eugenia Caligiuri
University Magna Græcia, Neuroscience Research Center, Catanzaro, Italy
Massimo Caulo
University “G. d’Annunzio”, Department of Neuroscience, Imaging and Clinical Sciences, Chieti, Italy
Ferruccio Panzica
Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta, Clinical Engineering, Milan, Italy
Francesco Cardinale
ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda, “Claudio Munari” Centre for Epilepsy Surgery, Milan, Italy
Camilla Rossi-Espagnet
IRCCS Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital, Functional and Interventional Neuroradiology Unit, Rome, Italy
Domenico Tortora
IRCCS Istituto Giannina Gaslini, Neuroradiology Unit, Genoa, Italy; Corresponding author at: Neuroradiology Unit, IRCCS Istituto Giannina Gaslini, via Gerolamo Gaslini, 5 16147, Genoa, Italy.
Anna Elisabetta Vaudano
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Department of Biomedical, Metabolic, and Neural Sciences, Center for Neuroscience and Neurotechnology, Modena, Italy; Neurophysiology Unit and Epilepsy Centre, Neuroscience Department, AOU Modena, Modena, Italy; Corresponding author at: Ospedale Civile Baggiovara, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Department of Biomedical, Metabolic, and Neural Sciences, Center for Neuroscience and Neurotechnology, Viale Giardini 1355, 41100 Modena.
Standardized Workflow for Advanced Neuroimaging in Epilepsy (SWANe) software provides researchers with a platform to analyze multimodal imaging modalities and to automatically combine the data from each modality into an integrating three-dimensional fashion. The software comes with a GUI and is designed to be user-friendly and for the not-technical public. SWANe is implemented in Python language and falls within the MIT license. The toolbox builds on a combination of existing methods to improve the user's power to perform analyses on different types of structural, functional, and metabolic imaging. SWANe has been developed in principle for the study of focal epilepsies of any age but it might be prospectively applied in different neurological diseases and for presurgical planning.