中西医结合护理 (Aug 2024)
Design and application of a medical handheld infrared veins finder (一种医用静脉血管显像装置的设计与应用)
The veins finder helps the operator clearly display the position, thickness and direction of the blood vessel, so as to improve the puncture efficiency. However, in the process of use, it is often encountered that the hand touches multiple control buttons at the same time, thus affecting the puncture effect. This study introduced the design and use of a medical handheld infrared veins finder. The anti-miscontact function was designed to improve the accuracy and portability in the veins localization procedure. (静脉血管显像仪是帮助操作者清晰地显示血管位置、粗细和方向, 从而提高穿刺效率的一种辅助装置。静脉血管显像仪的手持装置有诸多按键, 在操作过程中存在误触风险。本研究介绍一种医用静脉血管显像装置, 通过设计和制作新型防误触装置, 提高了操作精准度和操作便携性。)