Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (Jun 2018)
Scedosporium apiospermum, Scedosporium aurantiacum, Scedosporium minutisporum and Lomentospora prolificans: a comparative study of surface molecules produced by conidial and germinated conidial cells
BACKGROUND Scedosporium/Lomentospora species are opportunistic mould pathogens, presenting notable antifungal resistance. OBJECTIVES/METHODS We analysed the conidia and germinated conidia of S. apiospermum (Sap), S. aurantiacum (Sau), S. minutisporum (Smi) and L. prolificans (Lpr) by scanning electron microscopy and exposition of surface molecules by fluorescence microscopy. FINDINGS Conidia of Sap, Smi and Sau had oval, ellipsoidal and cylindrical shape, respectively, with several irregularities surrounding all surface areas, whereas Lpr conidia were rounded with a smooth surface. The germination of Sap occurred at the conidial bottom, while Smi and Sau germination primarily occurred at the centre of the conidial cell, and Lpr germination initiated at any part of the conidial surface. The staining of N-acetylglucosamine-containing molecules by fluorescein-labelled WGA primarily occurred during the germination of all studied fungi and in the conidial scars, which is the primary location of germination. Calcofluor white, which recognises the polysaccharide chitin, strongly stained the conidial cells and, to a lesser extent, the germination. Both mannose-rich glycoconjugates (evidenced by fluoresceinated-ConA) and cell wall externally located polypeptides presented distinct surface locations and expression according to both morphotypes and fungal species. In contrast, sialic acid and galactose-containing structures were not detected at fungal surfaces. MAIN CONCLUSIONS The present study demonstrated the differential production/exposition of surface molecules on distinct morphotypes of Scedosporium/Lomentospora species.