Studie z Aplikované Lingvistiky (Dec 2022)

Projekt Lexikálně-sémantické databáze češtiny (LSD-Czech): uživatelský pojmový slovník a online databáze

  • Zora Obstová ,
  • Ondřej Tichý ,
  • Aleš Klégr

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13, no. 2
pp. 86 – 98


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The paper introduces the upcoming outputs of the Lexico-Semantic Database Project (LSD-Czech) supported by The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR) [TL02000041]: a Czech online conceptual dictionary and a lexico-semantic database. It reviews the phases of the implementation of the project and its results to be made available by the end of 2022. It describes both the dictionary and the database (from which the dictionary is generated). While the dictionary is intended for the general user, the database will serve linguists and experts in natural language processing and language data application. The paper briefly discusses the field of onomasiological lexicography, focusing on what is an onomasiological dictionary, what dictionaries of this type exist for Czech, and introduces the two dictionaries on which the database is founded, Haller’s Český slovník věcný a synonymický (1969–86) and Klégr’s Tezaurus jazyka českého (2007). The focus of the paper is on the description of the functions and features of the dictionary, the steps whereby to search in it and the envisaged future improvements. Finally, it gives the specifications of the database and the next steps planned in its development.
