Jurnal Kependidikan (Feb 2015)
Mengidentifikasi Faktor Penghambat Guru Matematika Kecamatan Dompu NTB Terhadap Proses Pembelajaran pada Sekolah Menengah Atas
The purpose of this research is to identify an inhibiting factor of teachers and to seek a solution in mathematics learning process at senior high school in Dompu NTB. This is a qualitative-descriptive research. The subject of this research is five mathematics teachers who spread out at five high schools. Research data is gained by a means of: 1) a field note; 2) interview; 3) questionnaire, & 4) document. Datum analysis technique uses descriptive qualitative. The result of this research shows that the inhibiting factor of the teacher s in mathematics learning process: 1) students, low basic knowledge on mathematics concept they have, specially lack of mastering a basic subject; 2) teachers, the teachers only tend to teach the basic matter on mathematics concept; 3) learning process , teachers’ low motivation in combining and implementing various models of learning approach which make the students miss mathematics; 4) a learning evaluation, lack of teacher’s skill and knowledge in designing the learning evaluation instrument, and 5) a learning means and instrument, no proper media of mathematics learning at schools, no creativity, no innovation, and no teaching art of teachers in arranging the learning media.