Физика волновых процессов и радиотехнические системы (Dec 2020)
Solving problems of radiation and diffraction electromagnetic waves based on integral representations electromagnetic field
Various forms of integral representations of the electromagnetic field are considered. It is shown that the use of analytically developed integral representations of the electromagnetic field instead of the vector potential method makes it possible to significantly simplify the formulation of the internal and external electrodynamic problem for specific structures. The numerical results of solving problems of radiation and diffraction of electromagnetic waves are presented. It is shown that taking into account the peculiarities of the geometry and using projection functions close to the eigenfunctions of the integral operator of the internal electrodynamic problem for basic elements make it possible to construct effective algorithms for the electrodynamic analysis of metastructures. A mathematical model of a multistage chiral frame is proposed. By the example of a tubular vibrator, the possibility of approximating the solution of an internal electrodynamic problem using eigenfunctions is demonstrated. The prospects for further development of the integral representations of the electromagnetic field method are considered.