Kentron (Oct 2013)
La relation du texte à l’image dans l’Hortus sanitatis et les traités du milieu du XVIe siècle : quelques points de comparaison
According to historians of sciences, herbarii and other incunabula of the first botanical treatises have no other interest than announce treatises of mid-XVIth century that would announce, in their turn, pre-scientific books of the two following centuries. Ackward, naive, incomplete are some of depreciative judgments people passed on these books, and one usually thinks they just come before and announce the epistemological rupture that doctors like Fuchs, Rondelet, Gesner, Belon, Aldrovandi and others would realize in their works. In this article, though, we don’t intend to consider both group of works separatly, but we’d like to point at the way they are linked, both in texts and pictures, without anachronism nor prejudices.