Jiàoyù zīliào yǔ túshūguǎn xué (Jun 2004)

專業數位媒體設計主管的實務運作與決策行為 Decision-making Research of Expert Producer in the Digital Media Design Field

  • Chaoyun Liang,
  • Wen-Shan Chang

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 41, no. 4
pp. 545 – 559


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本研究旨在探討專業數位媒體設計主管其平衡於理想及現實之間的實務考量、這些考量的互動關係,以及設計主管的決策行為。研究群採取質性研究方法,以深度訪談法為主,將研究對象劃分為光碟出版、動畫視訊、網路遊戲、資訊服務、廣告設計等五個範疇,針對篩選出的專業主管群詳作訪查,並進行分析與整合。本研究成果將以:承接專案和研發產品的考量因素;承接專案和研發產品時所遇困難及因應之道;團隊成員、專案委託人、消費者間的互動關係;影響決策行為之情境考量;決策流程展問與洞悉;專業主管的決策行為;成功數位媒體設計主管的人格特質;以及人才培育與產學合作等數項議題,逐一論述。This research is aimed at exploring the decision-making considerations, the interplay among these considerations, and the decision-making behavior of the expert producer in the digital media design field. The methods are adapted to this research including indepth interview and participant observation under the naturalistic paradigm. The research outcomes are divided into the following categories: the considerations of taking projects and developing products; the problems to be resolved while the projects going; the interaction among the team members, clients, and customers; the situation factors surrounding by the decision-making behavior, the deployment of the decision-making process, the decision-making behavior, the characteristics of a successful digital media producer, and the issues of talent development and co-operate initiates.
