مجلة التربية والعلم (Jan 2005)

Isolation and diagnosis of some Bacteria causing Septicemia in infants in Mosul City

  • Najlaa Al-Nuiami

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 17, no. 1
pp. 109 – 119


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Seventy eight samples of blood have been collected from neonates infected with septicemia. Isolation and identification of some species of gram positive and gram negative bacteria have been done, Results indicate that the Klebsiella pneumoniae recorded higher ratio among other gram negative bacteria which was (20.5 %) while Siaphylococcus aurens recorded higher ratio among the gram positive bacteria which was (16.7 %). Other species of bacteria have been isolated from another ones in less ratio. As far as the effect of weight on isolated bacteria ratio , the study noticed predominance of most Genus in the two weight groups (3499-2500) gm and (4499-3500) gm and appeared less number of Genus in the group of less weight (2499-1500) gm. The results of study also appeared that the Death ratio among neonates infected with septicemia was (30.8 %) and the Death ratio which caused by gram negative were higher than that of gram positive. الخلاصة
