Revista Ibero-Americana de Estudos em Educação (May 2016)

Points and counterpoints in the universe of specialized educational service for students with autism spectrum disorder

  • Marily Oliveira Barbosa,
  • Neiza de Lourdes Frederico Fumes

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 11, no. 25
pp. 467 – 477


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The Educational Service Specialist (ESA) established new ways of doing things with the target audience of Special Education and, in a way, intends to help her stay in school. In the case of the students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), their entry is relatively recent in the Brazilian schools and this awakens challenging situations for all. The aim of this study was to ascertain the views of ESA's teacher about the TEA and the students with this disorder. This study used a qualitative approach by seeking to grasp the vision of participant about the issue and it was used as a tool for data collection the direct observation, a lecture of ESA teacher and a semi-structured interview. For data analysis, it relied on the content analysis. The results showed that the teacher met three students with ASD and knew the scientific aspects regarding the TEA, although the religious knowledge also to mark their designs. The teacher reported the challenges and satisfaction in observing the educational progress of their students, including understanding the inclusion of these possibilities in the regular school environment.
