Opera slavica (Sep 2021)
From "Biography" of Semyon Semyonovich Govyadin : A. N. Tolstoy and L. N. Andreev
The article examines several critical responses of L. Andreev's contemporaries from Samara to his works, as well as analyzes the creative dialogue with the writer, who leads his younger contemporary from Samara A. Tolstoy on the pages of his trilogy "The Road to Calvary". The analysis of the critical articles by A. Bostrom and A. Smirnov (Treplev), as well as several Samara episodes of the Tolstoy trilogy, allows us to conclude that the critical rethinking of the ideas of А. Tolstoy. Andreev and generations of his connoisseurs-contemporaries formed the basis for creating the image of one of the heroes of Samara episodes "The Road to Calvary"—Semyon Semyonovich Govyadin.