Лечащий Врач (Jul 2023)
Detection of reproductive system pathology in children of early and preschool age at paediatric outpatient reception
The prevalence of diseases of the reproductive system in children is, according to some data, more than 60% and this figure is increasing every year. The first place among the pathology of the reproductive system in childhood, with which the pediatrician meets at his appointment, is occupied by inflammatory diseases. We examined 54 children aged 1 to 6 years. The aim of our work was to determine the frequency of occurrence of diseases of the external genital organs in girls of early and preschool age at an outpatient appointment with a pediatrician. To analyze the obtained data, nonparametric statistics methods were used. As a result of our research, it was found that the peak age in the incidence of diseases of the external genital organs among girls of early and preschool age is the age of 2 years. This frequency may be due primarily to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the child's body: the epithelial layer of the vulva and the vaginal mucosa are tender, vulnerable, loose, the pH in the vagina is alkaline, the epithelium does not contain glycogen. A feature of diseases of the reproductive system in children is the fact that the complaints made by children may be non-specific, and often there may not be any complaints at all. Vulvitis proceeds with more vivid clinical symptoms (itching, burning, pain during urination, hyperemia of the external genital organs), while vaginitis is characterized by a less vivid clinical picture (the presence of pathological discharge). The most common complaint that parents presented to a pediatrician during an outpatient appointment was the presence of pain and burning sensation when urinating in a child. Vulvitis was the most frequently diagnosed disease in outpatient appointments in girls aged 1 to 6 years. Vulvitis is an inflammation of the external genitalia. Risk factors for the development of this disease are: anatomical and physiological characteristics of the child's body, non-compliance with personal hygiene, extragenital diseases and exogenous factors.