مجلة جامعة كركوك للعلوم الزراعية (Sep 2022)
Comparative effects of aqueous extract of local Basil Seeds, vitamin C and selenium as Anti-Heat Stress in some hematological traits at Iraqi Awassi Sheep
This study has conducted to find out the effect of using an aqueous extract of basil seeds, vitaminC, and selenium in some blood parameters of Iraqi Awassi sheep. Twenty Awasi sheep agedbetween 9-10 months, with an average weight of between 25.7 - 27.9 kg, were used in this study.An experiment has distributed into five groups, and each group included four ewes ofhomogeneous weights, with four repetitions in each group, then the ewes were randomly dividedinto totals in the following form: T1 first treatment control ewes were dosed with distilled wateronly, T2 second treatment was dosing with vitamin C at a concentration (250 mg/ kg/ day), T3third treatment was dosing with selenium at a concentration (0.04 mg/ kg/ day), T4 fourthtreatment was dosing with basil seed aqueous extract at a concentration (50 mg/kg/ day), T5 fifthtreatment was dosed with basil seed aqueous extract, vitamin C and selenium and at the abovedoses in the second, third and fourth groups, respectively. The results of the statistical analysisof the fourth and fifth groups showed a significant superiority (p≤0.05) in the total RBC, WBCand platelets counts, hemoglobin, and Packed cells volume (PCV) compared with the second,third, fourth and total periods of the experiment. The vitamin C and selenium groups alsosignificantly outperformed (p≤0.05) in blood characteristics compared to the first treatment intotal RBC, WBC and platelets counts, hemoglobin, and Packed cells volume (PCV) from thesecond period of the experiment to the end.