中西医结合护理 (Nov 2023)

Scraping and moxibustion therapy in the treatment of chest pain caused by liver depression and Qi stagnation in a patient with cervical cancer (刮灸疗法治疗1例宫颈癌患者肝郁气滞致胸胁胀痛的护理体会)

  • ZHAO Baoya (赵保亚),
  • LIU Shuhong (刘书红)

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 9, no. 11
pp. 38 – 40


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This paper investigated the effect of scraping and moxibustion therapy in the treatment of chest pain caused by liver depression and Qi stagnation in a patient with cervical cancer, and summarized related nursing measures. Based on the Traditional Chinese Medicine syndrome differentiation, the scraping theray on Zushaoyang Danjin acupoint was carried out to regulating the liver Qi and removing blood stasis. The moxibustion therapy on Taichong acupoint was applied for soothing liver and invigorating spleen. The combined treatment of scraping and moxibustion therapy is effective to relieve the symptoms of chest pain and improve the patient’s quality of life. (本文总结1例刮灸疗法治疗肝郁气滞致胸胁胀痛的宫颈癌患者的护理体会。基于中医辨证, 采用刮痧疗法在足少阳胆经上刮拭, 梳理肝气、化瘀、散结, 并艾灸太冲穴以化郁疏肝, 有效缓解患者胸胁胀痛、胀满等症状, 有助于提高其生活质量。)
