Family Practice and Palliative Care (Aug 2017)
Evaluation of lower extremity perfusion in organ scintigraphy in patients who are planned for amputation
Introduction: No method aloneis enough to take the amputation decision in the lower extremity. Therefore, inour study, the contribution of organ perfusion scintigraphy to the evaluationof lower extremity perfusion was investigated.Methods: Our study was retrospectively designed andinvestigated patients applying for evaluation before amputation, and with Tc-99msestamibi organ perfusion scintigraphy performed. The research included a totalof 21 patients (18 male, 3 female, mean age 67.2 ± 10.6 years). The patientshad OPS results and the results of other investigation methods (DUSG and CTA)comparatively evaluated. Statistically the diagnostic value of OPS was comparedwith the other investigation methods.Results: There was no statistically significantdifference between patients in both groups in terms of demographic data, riskfactors and accompanying diseases. Twenty-one patients had both OPS and DUSGperformed while only eleven patients had CTA performed. The results of theevaluations found that 5 of the 21 patients had amputation performed. Theresults were positive in all three tests of amputated patients.Conclusion: Considering that peripheral arterial diseaseis a functional problem, it is understood that weighted morphological andlimited hemodynamic data are inadequate for clinical evaluation and thereforephysiological and functional examination methods are needed. For this reason,OPS is a valuable nuclear medicine method that can be used additionally inpatients with amputation planned especially in the evaluation of lower extremeperfusion.