Biotemas (Sep 2010)

Cymothoa indica (Isopoda; Cymothoidae) and Alitropus typus (Isopoda; Aegidae) on freshwater fish Tilapia mossambica (Cichlidae) in Vellar estuary, Southeast coast of India

  • G. Rameshkumar,
  • S. Ravichandran

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 23, no. 3
pp. 67 – 70


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The study was carried out to establish the extent of double parasitation of two species of isopods Cymothoa indica and Alitropus typus on Tilapia mossambica. Cymothoa indica, a typical Indo-Pacific genus, and A. typus, a common crustacean parasite of fish in Southeast Asia, which feeds by sucking blood species, are reported by the first time in the freshwater fish Tilapia from Vellar estuary.
