Informador Técnico (Dec 2012)
Assessment of environmental impact caused by the use of traditional stoves in the Vilacota-Maure area of regional conservation in the Tacna region; Evaluación de impacto ambiental producido por el uso de cocinas tradicionales en el área de conservación regional Vilacota-Maure de la región Tacna
Seventy percent of the population of rural, inter-Andean basins and high Andes in Peru use biomass for heating, cooking and other crafts and customs.It is necessary to have data on extraction, consumption of biomass and the impacts that they may be causing, to plan for its sustainable production and use. This work is the product of several years of research; the geographical, climatic and cultural conditions of the study area prevent carrying out an extendedstay for the collection of information from primary sources; however,the estimate of fuel wood consumption and the quantitative and qualitative evaluation of environmental impacts in this area contribute to fill the information void. The results obtained allow us to conclude that using firewood in the study area is causing negative environmental impacts of local and globalconsequences. Regional and local authorities should plan, in the short-term,on a program with clean and renewable technologies tosolve this problem.