Obrazovanie i Nauka (Jan 2015)

The Urgent Problems of the Youth Policy in the Modern Russian Society

  • A. P. Yarkov,
  • A. A. Lymar

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 0, no. 2
pp. 68 – 76


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The paper is devoted to the issue of the Youth Policy in modern Rus- sia, in the sphere of education and upbringing in particular, as well as the reasons for increasing the radical attitudes in society. The special attention is given to the growing influence of the global network - the Internet. Being anonymous and boarder transi- tioning, it facilitates the fast spreading, mythologizing and consolidation of different ideas including the marginal ones. Therefore, only the Internet community itself can counteract such a phenomenon. The authors suggest that the young scientists should create the independent resource in the Internet for channeling the radical mood into the positive dialog field, decreasing thereby the radicalism level, its influence and dif- fusion in society.
