Nuevo mundo - Mundos Nuevos (Oct 2020)

José Carlos Mariátegui y las derechas de su tiempo: una lectura activa de la sentimentalidad fascista

  • Martín Bergel



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This essay focuses on the Peruvian José Carlos Mariátegui's gaze on Italian fascism, which he considers in its initial steps in a series of texts. If it has been usual to point out the importance that the years he passes in Europe had in the affirmation of his socialist identity, the article argues instead that from his early readings of fascism Mariátegui extracts crucial elements for the maturation of the vitalist bias that will modulate his intellectual framework. Thus, the Peruvian is located as one of the Latin American intellectuals of the left who most unprejudiced and profitably read the phenomena of the right wing movements of his time.
