Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing (Mar 2018)

Awareness of Hearing Loss in Older Adults: Results of a Survey Conducted in 500 Subjects Across 5 European Countries as a Basis for an Online Awareness Campaign

  • Patrick S. C. D’Haese MBA,
  • Marc De Bodt PhD,
  • Vincent Van Rompaey MD, PhD,
  • Paul Van de Heyning MD, PhD

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 55


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The objectives of this study were to assess the factors which contribute to individuals’ health motivation to address hearing loss and to gather baseline data that could then be used to measure the impact of an awareness campaign. An online questionnaire with 13 closed set questions was completed by 100 subjects in each country including Austria, Germany, France, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. The questionnaire was based around the Health Belief Model, which describes how, in order to take action to address a medical problem, the individual must perceive that the condition presents a threat to their well-being that exceeds any barriers to treatment. Good hearing was regarded as being important in all countries. There was agreement that the main sign of hearing loss was turning up the TV or radio. In most countries, hearing aids were thought to be not particularly visible, not require much maintenance, a hindrance while doing sport, and must be removed before bed. Perceptions of hearing implants were that they were permanently fitted, not externally visible, and do not need to be removed before bed. Medical issues were mostly researched through a doctor and then via the Internet. In this sample, there was a good understanding of the consequences and signs of hearing loss, but although hearing implants were viewed as being different to hearing aids, there was little understanding that the external speech processor was similar to a hearing aid in its physical characteristics. When actions were taken, the key professionals consulted about hearing problems were the general practitioner and ear, nose, and throat specialist.