Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality (Aug 2018)

2nd International Plant Spectroscopy Conference (IPSC-2019), March 25-28, 2019 in Berlin (Germany)

  • Hartwig Schulz

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 91


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Dear colleagues, it is an honor to invite you to participate in the 2nd International Plant Spectroscopy Conference (IPSC-2019) which will be held in Berlin, Germany, March 25-28, 2019 ( The conference brings together internationally renowned spectroscopists and plant scientists. The meeting will gather experts from fundamental to applied research and will highlight applications from academia to industry. New developments in various fields of spectroscopy and their application in plant sciences will be presented and discussed. Registration is already open. Deadline for abstract submission and early-bird registration/ payment is October 31, 2018. Deadline for regular registration is December 31, 2018 (late registration will cost additional processing fee). Conference venue is the Henry Ford Building of the Freie Universitaet in Berlin. It provides a modern lecture hall and a large foyer for coffee breaks, exhibition and poster demonstration. Exhibitors of analytical instruments are welcome and will receive detailed information on request. Since we want to keep conference fees as low as possible, especially for young scientists, we are dependent on attracting suitable sponsors who are willing to support the conference financially. Depending on the sponsorship contribution you have made, you can then claim individual benefits listed in the corresponding sponsorship agreement: I would be delighted to personally welcome you to IPSC-2019 in Berlin next March. If you have any questions about our conference and the sponsoring, I am at your disposal. Titles of Plenary and Invited Lectures "Miniaturization in vibrational spectroscopy: state-of-the-art instrumentation and novel applications" (Heinz Siesler) "Raman imaging of plant cell wall: where do we stand and how to move forward" (Notburga Gierlinger) "Raman microscopy combined with AFM to get a deeper insight into complex biological samples" (Malgorzata Baranska) "Multivariate analytical strategies for spectral data of plants" (Andras Gorzsas) "Experimental design considerations for developing spectroscopic calibrations of plant materials" (Claudia Beleites) "Cheminformatics tools to query metabolomics across species, genotypes and metabolic modules" (Oliver Fiehn) "NMR in plant science - methods and selected examples" (Bernd Schneider) "An overview of NMR applications in metabolite profiling of small molecules for plant metabolism studies" (Catherine Deborde) "Hyperspectral imaging in combination with chemometric data analysis - a powerful duo in the quality control of herbal medicines" (Ilze Vermaak) "Recent advances in vibrational spectroscopic imaging studies of medicinal plants" (Christian Huck) The conference dinner will combine a 4-hour boat trip on the river Spree through the city center of Berlin with culinary delights in a relaxed setting. For more information and registration, visit us at We are looking forward to seeing you in Berlin! On behalf of the international scientific and the local organizing committee, Dr. Hartwig Schulz Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality - Editor-in-Chief Direktor und Professor Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI) Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen Institut für ökologische Chemie, Pflanzenanalytik und Vorratsschutz Königin-Luise-Straße 19 14195 Berlin (Germany)