Cybergeo (Dec 2020)

Politique de conservation de la biodiversité et d'aménagement du territoire : état de l'art sur la mise en œuvre de la Trame verte et bleue en France

  • Julie Delclaux,
  • Philippe Fleury



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Introduced in 2007 in France, the Green and Blue infrastructure policy, the "Trame verte et bleue" (TVB), aims to conserve biodiversity by preserving, managing and restoring the ecological network. This paper examines the implementation of TVB based on a review of scientific and technical literature relating to four main topics: the concepts of landscape ecology on which TVB is based, the coherence between TVB different scales of implementation, TVB governance and relationship with other environmental policies. The implementation of landscape ecology concepts in this policy has revisited these concepts and has highlighted the need for new tools and knowledge. The translation of the TVB is variable at different scales. Several difficulties are raised in the implementation of the TVB: (1) lack of operationality of a zonal approach to characterize corridors which are reticular and even shifting, (2) articulation of scales struggles to guarantee regional coherence, (3) modes of governance that barely involve non-technical stakeholders and civil society, and (4) incomplete data to identify continuities. The implementation of the TVB is taking place in an increasingly multifunctional perspective combining ecological, landscape and development issues. It is also increasingly being put into perspective with other environmental policies such as the mitigation hierarchy.
