Здоров’я, спорт, реабілітація (Dec 2018)

Features of the development of a sense of rhythm in female students specializing in gymnastics and various types of aerobics

  • T.M. Kravchuk,
  • Yu.V. Golenkova,
  • I. Penzova,
  • E. Botova,
  • Ya. Sushko

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 4
pp. 72 – 80


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The goal is to reveal the features of the development of a sense of rhythm of female students involved in rhythmic gymnastics and various types of aerobics. Study participants The study involved 4 groups of students 1-2 courses, a total of 45 people. Research methods: analysis of scientific, methodological and special literature; analysis of university curricula for the preparation of athletes for student teams in rhythmic gymnastics, basic and funk aerobics and a physical education curriculum for students of non-specialized faculties; rhythm testing; methods of mathematical statistics. Results. As a result of analysis of literary sources, it was determined that the sense of rhythm is an ability that ensures the continuous implementation of individual phases of the motor action for a given time with optimal consistency, pace and dynamics that contribute to the harmonization of the motor action. The study confirms that the sense of rhythm is a professionally important quality in various sports, in particular various types of aerobics and rhythmic gymnastics. Modern competition rules in these kinds of sports place high demands on the level of development of the sense of rhythm, both individual and collective. Findings. The positive influence of rhythmic gymnastics and various aerobics classes on the development of a sense of rhythm among female students of higher educational institutions has been proven. Especially significant was the increase in rhythm feelings among female students who began to engage in basic and funk aerobics at the university. Comparison of the level of development of the sense of rhythm of female students who, before entering the university, were engaged in rhythmic gymnastics and who started aerobics directly at the university showed that if at the beginning of the experiment the gymnasts were significantly ahead of the rest of the rhythm feelings studied in the level of development, then the aerobics classes allowed gymnasts, but also get ahead of them.