Pathogens of diseases of the digestive tract of rabbits in the parasitocenosis
Among the causes that cause significant economic damage to the rabbit industry are parasitic and infectious diseases. In different geographical areas, most protozoan and helminthic diseases exist as monoparasitosis and various associations. Associative invasions occur in various combinations. There is not enough information in the literature that could give a complete picture of the current state of infections and invasions of the gastrointestinal tract of rabbits in Ukraine. The aim of our work was to establish the epizootic situation regarding the pathogens of invasive and infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of rabbits. The work was performed during 2019–2020. Monitoring of the epizootic situation regarding parasitosis of the gastrointestinal tract of rabbits was carried out based on the results of coproscopic studies of animals from different regions of Ukraine. The spread of the disease was established by clinical observation, helminthoscopic, helminthovoscopic, helmintholarvoscopic studies of animals and incomplete helminthological autopsy of rabbits aged from birth to 4 years. According to our research, it was found that spirochetosis as a monoinfection was registered in 3.32 % of animals, eimeriosis as a monoinvasion – in 10.70 %, passalurosis – in 3.33 %, strongyloidosis – in 4.79 %, cysticercosis – in 1.85 %. Parasitosis of the gastrointestinal tract of rabbits most often occurred in the form of myxinvasions (76.01 %). Most often associative parasitosis of rabbits was detected as part of two-component mixinvasions (54,85%), less often recorded in the form of three-component mixinvasions (37.38 %) and four-component mixinvasions (7.77 %). Polyinvasions consisted of associations: prokaryotes, protozoa and nematodes (32.52 %), protozoa and nematodes (30.10 %), different types of nematodes (11.17 %), prokaryotes and nematodes (9.22 %), prokaryotes and protozoa (6.80 %), protozoa and cestodes (3.88 %), cestodes and nematodes (2.91 %), prokaryotes and cestodes (2.43 %), prokaryotes, protozoa, cestodes and nematodes (0.97 %), protozoa, cestodes and nematodes (0.49 %). In the parasitocenoses of the gastrointestinal tract of rabbits are most often registered in the form of associations with Eimeria sрp. and Treponema cuniculi (19.42 %), Eimeria sрp., Passalurus ambiguus and Treponema cuniculi (18.45 %), Eimeria sрp., Treponema cuniculi and Strongyloides papillosus (13.11 %), Passalurus ambiguus and Strongyloides papillosus (11.17 %). In total, 11 combinations of different types of parasites were identified, the co-members of which are passalurus, 10 – eimeria, 7 – strongyloides and treponema, 6 – cysticercus.